Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So yesterday im sorry if i disappointed any of ya'll by not posting, but today is my Student Demo. So i was fooling around, and preparing for my demo with a few of the amazing cats that im living here with. We are down to 3 days left, and the thought of leaving all my new friends is rather quite sad, but i'll have to look at it as im going home to see all my great friends there!

Ok so Im going to try and weigh in tomorrow, which i'm very unsure as to how im doing in that department. My wedding ring no longer fits on my finger but my gut has been swollen like a poor lil bloated cow. But ill try and do that tonight or tomorrow. Then i'll have to pack, but i will definately catch up with writing on sat and sunday. Love to you! Emily

Me and Luciana eating like little piglets!

THis was our Minestrone soup we made that Karrilee demo-ed. Delicious as well.

This is one of our Pizza's, really fantastic. My friend Andree demonstrated this!

THis is my lunch, it was what Edgar was presenting: Teriyaki Pineapple Skewers, and then i added a boatload of other veggies and saurkraut! So delicious. Look at how the pineapple seems to have a cooked texture!

Here are some silly pics of me and Karrilee, and Tyler's Mr. Banana, and of Edgar doing his student demo.

1 comment:

  1. hi lovey
    i am going to miss you1!!!!! wanna play now! :(
    tomorrow night xoxo i may decide to step in on the choco class we'll see
    but it would be our last night. party at the house? whoopeee i will not be studying for test.
