Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Farm...

this a photo of our very back yard, the hammock is hung between a pear tree, and an apple tree, we also have a plum tree and a quince tree as well.

Here are some mulberries obviously fresh from the tree. Last year i would find pink stains all over my clothes and face! So delcious!

This is a photo of our apricot tree, which is apparently pumping!!

Some form of a beautiful squash (or pumpkin for you aussies)

These look like incredible Heirloom tomatoes!! YUM.

Our back yard looks like a magical oasis! I love you boys back at home! Thank you so much! xo

THese are either peaches from the lovely Shanna or apricots from our garden?

This if a scrumptious cherry vanilla raw cheese cake!! It was the best cheesecake i've ever had vegan, dairy, raw hands down delcious!

My yummy slap together addictive kale chips! I had some ugly kale that needed to be used so i grabbed a handful of cashews, some nutritional yeast, braggs, garlic, and hot pepper flakes and made a batter, then dehydrated them for about 2-3 hours at around 115-120! amazing!

Look at the kelp noodles....indescribably delicious!!

Dara whipped up this amazing Kelp Pasta dish, with kale, red pepper, salt and olive oil. Very refreshing and once again here's the word delicious!

Hello to all my beautiful fans! hahaha Well as you can see from the last post we finally figured out how to upload videos!! I think this will be ab exciting way to keep it interesting, and maybe it will make you feel like you're all closer to me!

First off I think i need to start out by just stating how unbelievably lucky i am to have such an amazing life! My family, friends and husband have just been so supportive, and such loving, amazing beings that i feel overwhelmed with love for you all!

I need to thank my housemate and great friend Dan for sending me in some photo's of our back yard in Australia! Not only did Dan take the photo's but he's responsible for most of the labor and love that went into creating this magical, raw, vegan oasis! I think i also need to thank my brother-in-law, Sammy, for all his love and energy that he too put into the garden!

Last year i had a very small garden compared to Dan's happy thriving farm we see here. I am very very grateful and fortunate that he planted the veggies this year, for we have not been in Australia for 4 months and we would have missed this growing season. Dan is currently studying sustainability and it is clearly paying off!

It couldn't be more perfect timing for all this: this being the beautiful thriving garden, and this raw food course. We are going to be eating such fresh amazing stuff. I cannot wait to get back home! This is a big statement because although i love my friends and husband, quite often i am a Canberra hater. What i've realized over the past few days is that it wasn't canberra that was the issue, it was a longing of being home, where everything is familiar (the smells, stores, roads, animals, family, house) warm and cozy. I am now missing all those aspects of Australia, my second home.

Well i think that's all for now! Thanks for reading, please feel free to share this and let me know what you think!

"Tender love and Swirl" Luciana This is our motto for when we rinse our sprouts we're growing!


  1. I didn't know about your garden - top secret! I'm so jealous...
    Also, I'm so relieved to hear that you don't hate Canberra so much... xo

